What We Do

  Develop Idea to Product

Validate ideas, write Business Plans, review Financial Models, and bring products to the market.

Create Startup.

Raise Capital

Match startups with angel investors, venture capitals, and funds.

Get investments.

Provide Technical Advice

Technical support, CTO expertise, co-founding and consultancy {software development, UI, UX, AI, etc} to build the prototype, make a pilot, improve MVP and advance technical development.

Build Product.

Scale Startup

Business expertise to reach new markets and scale business.

Accelerate Business Growth.

Overview: e-Health is a groundbreaking medical application designed to facilitate seamless communication between doctors and patients. This mobile health app provides users with round-the-clock access to board-certified physicians. Users can easily set up their profiles, complete detailed medical histories, and securely input payment information. Patients can conveniently schedule real-time consultations with physicians in a HIPAA-compliant environment. The e-Health application benefits all healthcare stakeholders and patients alike, revolutionizing healthcare communication.


Idea & Solution Requirements: The startup approached us with the vision of developing a solution that would streamline doctor-patient interactions. The primary requirement was for users to subscribe to the app, ensuring its exclusive use. Additionally, the solution needed to provide comprehensive patient profiles, facilitate consultation requests, manage pharmacy preferences, and securely store all medical history data while adhering to HIPAA guidelines.


Solution Features and Functionalities:

  • User Registration and Profile Creation
  • Editable Profile Information
  • Comprehensive App Dashboard:
    • Access to Multiple Profiles
    • Patient’s Medical History
    • Insurance Information
    • Preferred Pharmacy Selection
    • Payment Details
    • Family Members Section
  • Access to Primary Care Physician Information
  • Patient Allergy Information
  • Recent Consultation Status
  • Scheduling Capabilities
  • Terms & Consent Section
  • Detailed Medical History:
    • Patient’s Personal History
    • Family Medical History
    • Previous and Current Conditions
    • Medication History
  • Interactive Pharmacy and Insurance Modules
  • User Location Sharing
  • HIPAA Compliance Acknowledgment
  • Swift Consultation Scheduling
  • Support for Medical Health Discovery Modules

Solution: Our team successfully delivered a user-friendly, robust, and highly functional e-health app that adheres to strict HIPAA compliance guidelines. Through extensive research and close collaboration with the startup, we crafted an application that caters to the diverse needs of e-health users. Leveraging cutting-edge development platforms and native app technologies, we ensured the app’s reliability and security.

The e-health app empowers both the startup and its customers with exceptional user experiences. By providing seamless access to various stakeholders, the application offers flexible services that make e-health easily accessible. We are currently focused on improving solution performance and enhancing scalability features. Our efforts have resulted in a competitive advantage for the startup, enabling it to scale and thrive.



  • iOS
  • Android


Summary:  e-Health startup has successfully revolutionized healthcare communication by providing a secure, user-friendly, and HIPAA-compliant platform for doctors and patients to connect. With ongoing efforts to enhance performance and scalability, the startup is well-positioned for continued growth and success in the healthcare industry.